About Us


Jagdish Narayan Nursing Institute is the self financing infrastructure aims to provide the best service in the nursing field. JNN Institute has wide and varied specialty areas with modern technological advances, provide opportunities for optimal development of clinical skills for the students.

Nursing is a healthcare profession focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so that they may attain, maintain or recover optimal health and quality of life from birth to death and this calls for total dedication and a lot of sacrifice. Today, Nursing has become a dynamic profession worldwide. The newer and holistic concepts of health have brought newer challenges to Nursing and to meet these challenges and demands of the society, upgradation of nursing education to collegiate level becomes essential.. It also encourages students to prepare themselves to become efficient nurses ready to serve the mankind anywhere in the world with competence and compassion.

Mission & Vision

About Us

Mission of JNN Institute is to produce a productive nurse & pursue a career that offered many opportunities especially for rural people so that they enhance their knowledge .

Our vision is to create learning environment and evidence based nursing practices to the students. JNN Institute is functioning as paperwriter a volunteer in the avenue of fostering indoctrination in the field of Nursing.